In summer 2022, the European Commission will present an action plan on Digitalisation of the Energy System to help develop a competitive market for digital energy services and digital energy infrastructure that are cyber-secure, efficient and sustainable (link). The action plan identifies five working areas, for which actions will be developed:
- Data Exchange: Developing a data exchange framework with the view to gradually establish a common European Energy Data Space
- Empowering citizens/Peer-2-peer trading & energy sharing: Supporting digital tools to empower prosumers and energy communities
- Uptake of digital technologies: Creating a platform to support innovation ecosystems, connecting national, regional or local centres of expertise on digital and energy technologies
- Cyber security and data protection: Improve cyber security and reduced risks, including improving resiliency of the energy system against sudden and large-scale disturbances
- Energy consumption of the ICT sector: Promoting energy efficiency and the use of renewables in the IT sector
This action plan will be accompanied by a staff working document in which the proposed actions are substantiated by evidence. Providing evidence from EU projects is a key component of the staff working document.
This February, the BIGG project was asked to contribute to this consultation process by replying to a questionnaire. BIGG provided evidence to the first action of the plan, Data Exchange, which targets a seamless and easy data exchange for the benefit of the clean energy transition.